When a web order needs approval, Prima will look for an approver in the following order to send the approver email to:
1. Authorizer (or pre-authoriser) by department
2. Authorizer (or pre-authoriser) by location
3. Authorizer (or pre-authoriser) by contact
If there is no authorizer against the location or contact, the approval email will then go to:
4. First approver with an email address at the delivery location
5. First approver with an email address
6. First administrator with an email address
7. First primary contact with an email address (company has no parent company)
8. First financial contact user with an email address (company has no parent company)
9. Select first administrator user with an email address in parent company
If no emails can be found in the above list, no approval email will be sent
Multi-Approver Authorization:
To set up a hierarchy of approvers.
1. First, set the initial contact to ‘place pending orders only’ – and the first approver to ‘place pending orders and pre-authorize orders’
Then set this approver against the initial contact on the initial contacts web access tab.
If only 2 authorizers, go to the next step.
If there are more than 2 authorizers. Set the next approver up the same (place pending orders and pre-auth) and set this authorizer against the previous authorizer.
2. Next, set the final approver to be ‘place and authorize orders’ – set as the authorizer for the previous authorizer.