When a Purchase Order is Outstanding, you can change the supplier if you want to purchase the items from a different supplier.


To Change the Supplier:


- Click into the Outstanding Purchase Order


- At the top of the screen, you will see the Supplier Name who you are currently buying from. Click into this and delete the existing record

- Once deleted, you can then type in the new supplier name


- Click Search and then click okay on the pop up message. A new window will pop up.


- Items in the top half of the window are sold by your chosen supplier. Items in the bottom half are not listed as being sold (aka no supplier record exists against the stock product).


Within this screen, you can see the new supplier's price and current stock levels (if available).

- Items in the bottom half of the screen will be deleted off the purchase order and returned to your requirements.


- If you wish to buy an item not listed under the new supplier's record, highlight the item in the bottom half of the screen and click Transfer 


- If you wish to return an item back to requirements that is going to be switched to the new supplier, highlight the item from the top half of the screen and click Remove


- Once happy, Complete your changeover at the bottom of the window