You can now charge a Restock Fee % for Customer Returns on Prima, which will reduce the amount your customer will be credited by the percentage that you set.


To set a default Restock Fee % for all customers when a Customer Return is created, please follow the below steps:


  1. Log in to the Prima Administration.
  2. Go to System Keys > Movements System Keys.
  3. Double-click Default Restock Fee %.
  4. Enter your amount into the Key Value field and click Save & Close.


If you wish to add a Restock Fee % manually per Customer Return, or override the default, you can do so by following the below steps:


  1. Go to Movements > Customer Returns.
  2. Filter for your Customer Return, click Search, and click into the Customer Return.
  3. Amend the Restock Fee % and click Save.


(Note: Once the Customer Return is completed, the relating Sales Credit will have the same Restock Fee % in the Header tab. If you have made a mistake, you can always change it again in the Sales Credit.)