The following summarizes how Prima calculates selling prices. These rules apply to both Prima itself, and also to Prima Webstore. 

The rules are numbered 1 to 7, where 1 is the highest priority and 8 is the lowest


1. Featured/Special Price Product 

If the Product is set to Featured/Special Price and is within the specified Expiry Date, then the Special Price entered against the Unit is used regardless. Special prices will apply to all customers, without exception. 

*Note: When the box 'Include Contract Price?' is ticked, the contract price will be used (where there is one set) so it will only use the Featured/Special Price for customers that don't have this item on their contract price list.

To set a special price see article:


2. Customer Standard Contract

 If a Product exists on a Customers Standard Contract (either as standard priced or mark-up/margin) the contract price will be used. 

*Note: When mark-up/margin is selected the Pricing System Key will determine whether a Mark-up or Margin is applied to the Landed Cost of the Unit.

To set up contract pricing see article:

3. Customers Ultimate Parent Standard Contract

If the customer has a parent assigned to it and the item is on the Parent Contract, the parent contract price will come into play. The Ultimate Parent is determined as the topmost Parent in the Parent-Child chain (eg the parent of the parent)

4. Price Break

If the item has been assigned a price break (discounted prices for when larger quantities are purchased), these prices will take effect AFTER any featured or contract prices. To set up price breaks see article:

5. Less commonly used pricing options are available and not applicable in the US but if they have been used, they will come into place here (see article


6. Direct Mailer Price

When the Direct Mailer Pricing Method is checked for a customer and:

  • the item code must exist within a mailer that is assigned to the customer 
  • the item code must match a code in Mailer Code 
  • the mailer must be in date

If no priority is set against the mailer and the item exists on multiple mailers assigned to the customer, it will take the cheapest of those mailer prices. If there is a priority set, it will take the price based on the priority order.

To set up mailers see article:


7. Pricing Band Price

When 'Use Pricing Bands' is checked for a customer and:

  • the band is assigned against the customer 
  • the band is assigned against the product or the catalog item
  • Catalog(s) is in date and marked as 'best price'.  

To set up Pricing Bands, see:

(Does not apply to Cash Sales Customers) This includes default price matrix and qty ranges from point 5.

If the item does not appear on any of the above...

8. Cheapest Price using any / all of the following:

  • A Mailer Price assigned to the customer when the customer is NOT set to 'Use Direct Mailer Pricing'. Note: Mailer must be in date. (Does not apply to cash customers)
  • A Pricing Band assigned to the customer when the customer is NOT set to 'Use Pricing Bands' against the product or the catalog item. Note: Catalog(s) must be in date and the item must be marked as best pricing.  (Does not apply to Cash Sales Customers) This includes default price matrix and qty ranges from point 5. 
  • The Product Units Selling Price. If the item has been created as a Product (Note* Cash Sales customers are assigned 'List price w/Tax' instead)
  • The Selling Price against the Catalog (or the List price in the case of a Cash Sales Customer) - note the Catalog(s) must be in date and the item must be marked as best pricing.
  • If the item does not exist in a Best Price Catalog, then it will take the cheapest price from any Catalogs that are in date.

To check how a price is calculated you can use the price check feature and also the source of selling price tab in the Line tab of a SO.